Major Breakthrough in RNA Synthesis Technology: Achieving 300nt Length
Major Breakthrough in RNA Synthesis Technology: Achieving 300nt Length

PixelBiosciences GmbH Co., Ltd. is dedicated to the research and development of RNA synthesis. Recently, our company has achieved a remarkable breakthrough in the field of RNA synthesis, successfully synthesizing RNA molecules with a length of 300nt. This advancement not only demonstrates our leading position in technology but also brings new possibilities for biomedical research and applications.

Figure 1: Urea-PAGE Electrophoresis Results of 300nt RNA

Traditional RNA synthesis technologies have certain limitations in terms of length and purity. However, using our proprietary nMECA technology platform, we have successfully synthesized 300nt RNA. This technological breakthrough will further propel the development of gene editing technologies and gene therapy. As gene editing technology continues to advance, the demand for longer guide RNA is increasing. Numerous studies have reported that synthetic guide RNA can enhance the efficiency of editing systems[1, 2], and our recent breakthrough in RNA synthesis aligns perfectly with this trend.

Our nMECA technology platform offers several significant advantages in RNA synthesis:

  • High Purity: We use enzymatic synthesis methods to ensure high purity of RNA molecules, reducing impurities and increasing the reliability of research and applications.
  • High Efficiency: nMECA significantly improves synthesis efficiency, shortens production cycles, and meets the high-demand needs of the research and industry sectors for rapid and efficient RNA synthesis.
  • Customized Services: We provide customized RNA synthesis services tailored to the specific requirements of different projects, offering flexible solutions to meet diverse needs.

We understand that scientific progress relies on continuous innovation and effort. In the future, we will continue to increase our investment in research and development to further enhance the performance and application scope of our RNA synthesis technology. At the same time, we look forward to collaborating with research institutions and companies worldwide to promote the development of biotechnology and contribute to human health.

Thank you for your attention and support. We invite all colleagues to contact us to explore potential collaboration opportunities.

1. Doman JL, Sousa AA, Randolph PB, Chen PJ, Liu DR. Designing and executing prime editing experiments in mammalian cells. Nat Protoc. 2022 Nov;17(11):2431-2468.

2. Pandey S, Gao XD, Krasnow NA, McElroy A, Tao YA, Duby JE, Steinbeck BJ, McCreary J, Pierce SE, Tolar J, Meissner TB, Chaikof EL, Osborn MJ, Liu DR. Efficient site-specific integration of large genes in mammalian cells via continuously evolved recombinases and prime editing. Nat Biomed Eng. 2024 Jun 10.

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